The start of a journey with God
Baptism can happen at any age. Teenagers and adults are baptised after a period of teaching, formation and reflection about Christian faith, worship and discipleship.
Interested in baptism?
For those with questions about the Christian faith or who want to explore the possibility of baptism and confirmation for themselves, or for a child, the best starting point is to join us at worship and speak to Rev Helen Ferguson after the service.
Infant baptism
Jesus declared that the Kingdom of God is open to ‘little children’. From ancient times, the Christian Church has baptised infants as a sign of God’s welcome to all.
Christening”, from the ancient word “christen”, mean “to make Christian”. Jesus Christ, like you, wants the best for your child.
The very fact that you are interested in having your child baptised shows that you recognise the importance of God in your life. For centuries children too young to answer for themselves have been baptised. The Church recognises the desire of Christian parents to share the life of Christ with their children.
Infants (pre-primary school) are baptised in response to a parent’s request. For children who are older, some form of preparation will be given.
'I’m not a regular churchgoer. Can I still have my child baptised?’
Yes. The Church believes that God’s love is available to all, regardless of their background. However, please remember that baptism marks the beginning of a life of Christian discipleship. We will be glad to talk through with you what this means and answer any questions.
We hope your child’s baptism will be a wonderful and memorable occasion and that it will mark the beginning of a long and happy association with our faith community at the Anglican Church of Broken Hill and the Far West.
Wanting a venue for your baptism party? Depending on the size of your group the Wilford Hall (St James) and St Peter’s Hall are excellent venues for your party.
When should a child be baptised?
It is sensible and right to have your baby baptised while s/he is still young. You should not wait simply until it is convenient to have a large, well-attended social gathering. This can be very pleasant and a happy occasion, but it must be seen as of secondary importance to your desire to have your child blessed by God and brought within the Christian family.
On the other hand, baptism can be sought and given any time.
How much does baptism cost?
Nothing. There is no charge for baptism, but it is customary for a thanksgiving offering to be made to the church.
Who may be Godparents?
Godparents are members of the church who have themselves been baptised. A godparent should be someone likely to remain in close touch with the child and family during formative years; a person to admire and emulate.
In the Anglican Church it is usual to have three godparents: two of the same sex as the child and one of the opposite sex. To have one godfather and one godmother is sufficient; to have more than three is possible; but quality is better than quantity.
When does the Baptism generally take place?
The Anglican Church encourages parishes to celebrate baptisms during the main Sunday service, which is often a service of Holy Communion. This enables members of the parish family to share in the welcoming of your baby into the life of the church and it also gives them the opportunity to renew their baptismal promises. However, it is possible to arrange for the baptism to take place at any time which suits both you and the Rector.
To arrange a baptism, please contact the Parish Priest on 0429 874 402; or send us a message via the inquiry form on the Contact Us page.